Tips for an Easy Work From Home Transition

As both employers and employees are encouraged to embrace the concept of working remotely as one way to prevent the spread of COVID-19, many find themselves sitting down for a long day’s work on their couches, home offices, or even from bed. 
Working from home can be a rewarding but new experience, so you may want to give yourself a few days to figure out what works best for you. At ADVAN, most of our team works from home a couple of times a week. Since working from home has become a necessity for most of us at the moment, here are some tips to ensure you make this time as productive as possible.

1. Establish a space for yourself

For some, working from home generally starts out with a laptop on their coffee table. While that may seem like a comfortable choice, it can have some negative effects. 
For one, spending eight hours hunched over your coffee table will leave you feeling stiff and uncomfortable by the end of the day. 
The other big problem with working from your couch is that it can negatively affect your ability to separate work from home. If you usually commute to and from the office, you’re accustomed to your workday having a distinct beginning and end. It can help to set aside some space for work and save your couch for off time.

Whether you have a dedicated office space in your home or you’re using a more temporary space, be sure to set that area up for success. For starters, keep your area clean and simple. Simplicity can keep you focused and maximize your productivity.

2. Set a schedule and stick to it

One of the most helpful work from home tips is to create a realistic schedule. Since there’s no need to commute, working from home means you can sleep in, but don’t let yourself sleep right up until it’s time to start your day.
Be sure to shower and get dressed before starting your day, just as you would if you were going into the office. Sticking to a routine prepares you for a productive day. You’ll be able to get up to speed much quicker this way and not be so sluggish. Try it; you’ll thank us later.
Establish a schedule for the start and end of your day and adhere to it. This will make it easier to get into the swing of things in the morning and to unwind in the evenings. Mimic your office hours. If you usually started at 8 a.m. and finished at 5 p.m. while working from the office, structure your work from home hours similarly. At 5 p.m., turn off your computer and enjoy some downtime before your next workday starts.

3. Take a lunch break

When working from home, taking a lunch break may not seem necessary. But taking a lunch break has value beyond just keeping you nourished. It’s also a great opportunity to decompress and reset mid-way through your day. Taking a break can help you return to your work refreshed and motivated. 
Make sure to get up and walk around. Go for a walk or jog around the block to give your brain a chance to reset. It could be something as simple as walking to the mailbox to get the mail. If you’re really struggling, take a quick road trip to a local cafe. Just monitor your time with respect to how much time you’re spending “on a break.”

4. Keep this mindset: Your location changed, but the job remains the same

You already know how to do your job; you just need to find a way to keep your productivity up while doing it from a new place. You’ll find some things are easier (fewer interruptions throughout your day will help you focus) and others are harder (you don’t always know what’s going on in other departments because you’ve lost that face-to-face communication.). 
Remember that while your location has changed, the job hasn’t, and no one is better suited to figure out how best to do your job from home than you. Keep trying new things until you have a sustainable work from home routine that you’re comfortable with.
The ADVAN team is utilizing the above tips to consistently deliver digital marketing services to our clients, just as we always have. Even though our individual locations have changed, our jobs have not. Now is the time to focus on your marketing strategy, so that you’re poised and ready to bounce back once we’re on the other side of this pandemic. 

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Published On: March 23, 2020Categories: Marketing Agency CreativityTags: , 810 words4.1 min read
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