How To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Trying to increase website traffic feels like a never-ending process. You probably hear about new breakthroughs every day and see different Internet marketing advice posted  online all the time. 
While there is no one solution to increasing website traffic, there are some proven methods that have withstood the test of time. Keep these tools in your back pocket so that, if you start to feel overwhelmed, you have some tactics handy that you know will work.
Here are some of ADVAN’s tips for how to drive website traffic.

Find Topics With Website Traffic Potential

You’ve probably heard about search engine optimization (SEO) and just how effective it is as a marketing method. In terms of increasing website traffic, this is probably the best tool you have for achieving long-term success. 
SEO is basically the practice of ranking high on Google and working to hold the #1 spot in search engine results. What this does is generate organic traffic to your site. But, to do this, you have to write about topics and keywords that people are searching for. A great way to do this is to find high volume keywords that do not have much competition. You can use any number of keyword search tools to give you some starting points.
In order to find the right keywords, filter your search by search volume and keyword difficulty. Then, you’ll generate a list of low-competition keywords and topics for your team to write about. The best kind of topic is one that has low competition, high traffic, and high business potential for your company. 
Google Analytics

Never Underestimate Online Interaction

It’s likely that, by now, your business has a Facebook page and a LinkedIn account, and maybe also an Instagram or Twitter. It’s important to tap into these online communities to promote your content, and therefore guide people to your website.
Maybe the first step you need to take is to join a Facebook group online for sharing content, and occasionally post content there.    
Keep in mind that it’s also important to build a relationship with people in the group, and to take your time doing so. If you can be active in these groups and build community trust, people are more likely to show an interest in your work and engage with your site. 

Revisit Old Content

When it comes to driving website traffic, remember that you’re always in competition with other businesses. That being said, you should not give up on old or outdated content simply because it’s old. In fact, refreshing and republishing this content is a great way to increase website traffic and see how your writing and SEO skills have improved over time.
When you go to rework an old article, keep an eye out for elements like broken links, weak or outdated content, and old photos or lack of visual media. In some cases, the keyword might not be relevant anymore, which means you’ll have to do a full rewrite of your content. In other cases, you may keep the focus keyword and change other elements. 
By reworking this content, you’re helping your website traffic and practicing your writing and SEO.

Merging Content

Sometimes, if you have two average blogs or posts, the best option is to merge them into one post. By doing so you can take the best, most relevant content from each until you create a much better article.
This strategy is a great way to not waste any time. Just because a post is old, doesn’t mean you need to throw it all away. Plus, this new and improved content will help increase site traffic.

About ADVAN | Premier Digital Marketing Services

Maybe you’re looking for new ways to drive website traffic, or maybe you need to build a whole new site from the ground up. Either way, you need to partner with a full-service marketing agency wholly committed to seeing you succeed.
Here at ADVAN, we are a team of writers, SEO experts, graphic designers, and web developers with years of industry experience. We specialize in taking a site, reimagining its branding, and boosting it to the top of the search engine results. If this sounds like something your business could use, pick up the phone and give us a call.   Hire the best marketing agency near me to take you to the next level.
We want to set your business up for long-term growth and success, so contact us today.
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Published On: February 2, 2021Categories: Marketing Agency CreativityTags: , , 756 words3.9 min read
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